Monday, July 09, 2007

Can You See it Now?

I worked on the button, and I can see it again, can you?

So I've had some trouble at home. Kristy is no longer allowed to be alone with Annie or Cindy in any room of the house, or outside playing. She says things to them that are horrible, and I don't know what exactly, just that I have to deal with the fall-out. Annie was talking about killing herself after one particularly bad morning of it.

It's hard. Kristy is hurting so much, and the only way she knows how to deal with her feelings is how she was taught by her family, she hurts others. She's doing a great job with Annie and Cindy, and they are hurting now too. We are working on getting her a more involved counselor, one who will return our calls and communicate with us so they know what's going on in her life and what she needs help with. I've never been a real religious person, but I pray for her. There's something about her that snagged my heart from the first day, and even with all the trouble she gives us, I want to see her get better. I don't want to see my other girls spiral because of her, but I can't give up on her, that's all anyone else has done in her life, and I see potential in her. If you're the praying type, send one up for her, it couldn't hurt. If you're not, just think happy thoughts for her, that couldn't hurt either.

Thanks for reading!


Angel The Alien said...

Do they have any therapeutic mentoring programs for kids in foster care where you live? M(Or any mentoring programs for that matter?) Maybe Kristy could benefit from having someone like that who could spend time just with her on a regular basis, more informally than a cousnelor, doing fun stuff while also working on things like self-esteem and being nicer to other kids?

PandasJr said...

Actually, yes, she has a PSR worker to do exactly that. We have also gotten her involved with things like Cheer Camp, Salvation Army Day Camp, Royal Family Kids Camp,and she'll be going to Bible camp in a few weeks. All these are new and foreign to her, but should help her learn to act andreact with kids like a kid in kinder, gentler ways. But she's hurting so bad, and has learned some very vengeful and adult like behavior from her family over the first 10 years of her life, and you can't just make that go away! It makes it tough for the other kids in the house.