Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year! 2007

I Guess I Have to Put Away the Holidays Again...

I love the holidays, but I hate the New Year. Why? Because it seems depressing to put away all the holiday cheer and go back to normal life. So anyway, I guess I'll stop asking for donations for the Giving Tree since it's over now. What's the new focus you ask?

If the case worker with get with the program, Annie will be adopted this Spring. That means I'll no longer be buying her clothes with vouchers, and we'll be able to go where ever we want. I've always supplemented her wardrobe with items I'd buy here and there if I found cute stuff on sale somewhere that didn't take vouchers, but we always bought the bulk of her clothes with vouchers at the few stores who will take them. So I decided I should take this thought and make something special out of it.

I want to take her on a shopping trip. My family used to live in Spokane, WA, and there are places there which hold special memories for me. I've taken her there once, but she was quite a bit younger, and doesn't really remember the trip. I would love to take her there next summer, in August, and show her the sights. I want to make it a fun trip so she can get to know the place that is very special in my memories. And I thought, while we're there, why not shop for school clothes? Wouldn't that be new and exciting? I think so.

Now here's the next thing to consider. Obviously I can't take the whole family. But Granny wants to go and revisit the sights too. And, well, Cindy is definitely going to be with us until she's 18, and I've talked to Casey Family Programs about getting her into their program, which they want to do. If they do that, again, we won't be using clothing vouchers anymore. With them, we shop and they reimburse. So she could shop in Spokane too. Does that take away from the specialness for Annie? I don't know, but I thought she'd have more fun with another kiddo along to play with. So it could be a girls' shopping weekend...what do you think? Will it be quality mother-daughter-granny time or should I start thinking in a different direction?

Oh, by the way, I am finally able to get my home study updated for my 3 year-old's adoption. Did I tell you? So we can finally move forward with that one too. I don't know exactly yet how to pay all the lawyer fees, so far blogging for them hasn't yielded much of anything. And I never heard back from the National Adoption Foundation about the grant they offer. I'm thinking of applying to that again. I want to get this done! I told you she took him for Christmas. Well, she was supposed to have him home early afternoon on Christmas. We called her at noon and they were all still asleep. (They had a 5 hour drive to get him home.) Then we talked to her again at 2 and she said her car wouldn't start, so she wouldn't be bringing him home that day. I kind of started to panic that she was changing her mind. But he got home the next night around 5, and we haven't heard from her since. I want this thing done so this can't happen again. I want to be able to say, "I'm sorry, that won't work for us, but we can do this instead," rather than walk on eggshells like we do right now. You know, I'll still take donations to help get this done if you're so inclined! :-) I'm nervous.

Well, I've got to end this. My New Year's Resolution: Write a book. I got an idea in November, and wrote it down along with a couple opening paragraphs. I need to develop it. I think it could be good. If only I could ever finish anything I started!!!!! (Give me a push.)

Tune in again to read tales about the adventures from the Angel Retreat.

Donations to fund the needs and activities for the angels who live with us are always welcome.


Margaret said...

I started putting Christmas away Wednesday and our 4 year old daughter made it plain and clear that I was being a "Grinch."

Thankfully I was able to con her into the "New Year is Here!" theory and that Christmas will be packed safely away so we can bring it all out again next year.

She turned into a wonderful little helper then and to be honest, I would have missed packing away a thing or two without her dutiful and viligent vision.

Dr. John sent me over this way to give you a shove reminding you to get started on writing that book!

Terry Stanley, The Art Lady said...

Hello from Wisconsin. Came by way of Dr John's site and was shocked to see what we have in common. My husband and I did "treatment" foster care and adopted 2 special needs boys (1/2 brothers) at ages 4 & 6. It hasnt been the parenting experience we hoped and longed for (16 & 18 now, both in jail - not an easy thing for a dad that's with the parole dept and a mom that's a former cop) but that's a whole 'nother story. You got your little one as a baby, addicted or not, he's got a real chance with you! JMO but I think the girls' weekend would turn out great!

PandasJr said...

Art Lady, thank you for commenting. It's so nice to hear from someone else with similar experience!! I'd like to talk to you sometime as I have a21 year old adopted daughter who I haven't seen in over 2 years, who robbed my house, and has warrants for her arrest for other things and so won't come back to Idaho. Please email me if you get a chance!!

Margaret said...

You can find Dr. John here!

He's a sweet man who loves to blog, give and receive comments. He shares with us blogs that he has come across and the trick is that we come visit his "blogs of the day" and leave a mystery behind by somehow including his name "Dr. John" in our comments.

Don't let the fact that he is a retired minister fool you - for he can be quite the ornery old fellow at times. I've been blessed to know him and you will be too. He's super.