Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Don't Forget the Older Ones

In all my joy and excitement over these adoptions, I've forgotten to give notice to one of my older girls. Stacee, who turned 20 this year, got married on June 2nd.

I'm so proud of her. I remember the night she came to us, scrawny and scared. She was only 14 and, unfortunately, had lived the life of a much older woman. The four years with us were hard. She resisted learning to love and live in a healthy way. But she survived me, and has gone on to become a beautiful, healthy woman.

She is living on her own, making her own way in the world. She has a good job, and found a man who treats her they way she deserves to be treated. She had a good engagement and is now married. She has a healthy relationship with him, they communicate, and they plan. I'm so proud of her that she hasn't tried to rush in to things since leaving our home. She's really taken to heart the lessons I tried to teach her, and she wants to be a good person. She is happy, and OK with herself.

Stacee calls every once in a while to let us know what's happening in her life. She lives too far away now to be able to see her much. But I always love talking to her. She always sounds so good. Often, when she calls, she lets us know if something we tried to teach her has come in to play in her life. She thanks us often for all we tried to give her. I guess what I need to do now is thank her for letting me important in her life, and for helping me realize who I am and what I can do. I'd also like to thank her for being who she is and sticking to it. We had some difficult times her and I. But in the end, we both gained a whole lot from each other. I miss her so much, but am so happy that she is doing so well and being her own person.

Congratulations, Stacee and Lee, I love you!! Mom :-)

1 comment:

Christine said...

Isn't is amazing that they can teach us just as much as we can teach them! Congratulations to Stacee and Lee - send you best wishes in your new life together!