Monday, June 04, 2007

One Down, Three to Go

Gosh, it's seems like just yesterday I was shamelessly begging for hand-outs to help fund Will's adoption. Guess what! This Thursday, in 3 short days, I will be going to court to finalize it. All the legal paperwork is filled out and sent in. The date has been set. The beginning of a new chapter is only a page away. Only one thing can slow us up now. Even though this is a private adoption, the Department of Health and Welfare has to sign approval, and it's on their desk, it's just a matter of whether they sign it in time for our June 7th court date or not. If not I have to explain to my boss that I need another day off, court had to be canceled, and we'll be having an adoption celebration BBQ before the adoption is done. Not to mention I'll have flown Cami here too early to see it happen!

I'm pretty sure if everyone out there in blogland thinks positive and wishes with all their might, this will happen this week with no problem.

After long years of waiting, wishful thinking, heartbreak when he'd leave, then pure happiness when he returned, and again and again this cycle of let down then ecstaticness...enough to make yo feel bi-polar yourself!! It's happening, and right on the coat tails of Annie's LONG awaited adoption. I'm not sure there's anything else in this world I've ever wanted more, or will ever want again than to have these kids become mine now and forever.

And that's not all!! H&W will begin work on Cindy's adoption as soon as Will's is complete. She will probably be adopted before the end of the year, then the only one left will be Andrew (my 2-year-old.) And with that, I have my family. I have my kids. And together we can try to do our part for our community by being a strong and loving foster family!! (I think I'm loopy with joy.)

Wish us well, I'll write more soon. Thanks for reading!!


Angel The Alien said...

That is so awesome! Congratulations! I am sure the adoption will go through with no problems. I'll be thinking positive thoughts on your behalf!

Christine said...

Awwww, that is just wonderful!! I'm so happy for you! I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes smoothly! I haven't visited in a while, but I always love reading your blog - you are so inspiring!

I have a blog post up right now about a friend of mine, and about her experience adopting her son. I'd be honored if you'd stop by and check it out!

Congratulations again to you and your kids!! (hugs)