Thursday, September 07, 2006

Introducing: The Angel Retreat

Welcome to the Angel Retreat

How We Got Started

My story actually starts in New Mexico, where I lived, taking care of my mom, but wanting to be a mom myself. I tried for two years to get pregnant, and never considered the option of adoption. But this was all to no avail, because as it turns out, I can't conceive children of my own.

In 1999, my mom and I were convinced to move back to Idaho to be closer to our family and friends. We both needed these connections: I because I needed the emotional support due to my infertility, and she because she was very sick and needed every kind of support to keep her going.

We moved the summer of 2000. But my life was feeling empty. For whatever reason, Project Baby was lost in the move. I still had the need and desire, but my options had changed. I didn't have the backing of a good health insurance to help pay for my cause, and the medical community here had a less encouraging feel. More importantly, I didn't want the emotional let-down of not conceiving anymore. So I started researching avenues which included adoption. What I found most likely for me was foster care.

In March 2001, The Angel Retreat was born. We hadn't named our home yet, but I was suddenly licensed to do foster care, and my first child, a baby boy who I will call Joe, had moved in with us. The most miraculous thing I noticed right off was that my mom seemed to start feeling better. I felt alive. And Joe was healthy and happy in our home. This is how we came to be.

Tune in again to read tales about the adventures from the Angel Retreat.

Donations to fund the needs and activities for the angels who live with us are always welcome.


Anonymous said...

Where can we wend donations?

PandasJr said...

I have a Paypal account, you can post a donation there to Thank you for your conern for our angels!